Sunday, March 18, 2007

Communiqué #10: The BODUM™ Santos (quick notes)

The BODUM™ Santos is truly a jewel in an otherwise horrid world of coffee makers. The makes coffee using the vacuum method very popular earlier in the 20th century. Notably on a trip to Japan I kept running into the old stovetop/spirit lamp versions at local coffeehouses in Tokyo. I won't go into excruciating detail about he brewing mechanics except to say the resulting coffee is fantastic!!! If you get this machine be prepared for a floor show! I still stop and watch the water move up into the upper chamber, mix with the coffee then shoot back down into the carafe.

BODUM™ is notorious for delivering high street style, extreme functionality at a stunningly low price. The Santos delivers on all those counts. The only thing I would add when buying this machine is a vacuum jug (Stelton™ and Eva Solo™). While this machine over delivers on all of the tenets of great brewing it is amiss in one... it has a heating element to "keep the coffee warm." Avoid all continuous heating like the plague when brewing coffee - this should be the 10 commandments of brewing coffee.

The BODUM™ Santos for its minor flaw is truly a tremendous coffee maker... err I mean brewer fit for a king or a queen!

Warm Regards,
Jerry Delince
Managing partner

Jamaica Blue Mountain Traders, LLC.
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